Our Latest Event

What is the event

Gain valuable insights from founders who have overcome the hurdles of international fundraising and achieved success. These experienced entrepreneurs will share their personal journeys, detailing the obstacles they faced and the strategies they used to secure funding on a global scale. Attendees will not only benefit from these firsthand accounts but will also have the opportunity to discuss their own fundraising challenges and exchange experiences with founders. This session is designed to provide practical advice and foster a collaborative learning environment for all participants.

What is the event  
additional purpose?

The event aimed to share knowledge with founders on international fundraising, providing insights into securing global investment and developing pitching skills. It also fostered networking among participants, encouraging collaborations and partnerships. Inspirational success stories motivated attendees to overcome fundraising challenges, while feedback from participants aimed to improve future events and support resources. Additionally, the event aimed to raise awareness about international fundraising challenges and highlight available resources for startup founders.

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/choice-accelerator_choiceaccelerator-founderevent-foundergathering-activity-7211643198522187777-ocTU?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Event Highlight:
In-Depth Panel Discussions:
Our panel featured seasoned founders who have faced and overcome significant fundraising challenges on an international scale. They shared their journeys, highlighting key obstacles and the innovative strategies they employed to secure funding.
Interactive Q&A Sessions: Attendees had the chance to engage directly with the panelists, asking questions and seeking advice on their own fundraising efforts. These sessions were highly interactive and provided practical, actionable insights.
Experience Sharing: The event fostered a collaborative environment where founders could share their own fundraising stories, discuss common challenges, and brainstorm solutions together. This peer-to-peer interaction was a valuable component of the event.

Event Feedback: Participants praised the event for its practical focus and the high quality of the discussions. Many found the real-world examples shared by the speakers to be particularly enlightening and appreciated the opportunity to connect with peers facing similar challenges.

Event : All Secret Revealed! International Fundraising
Date : 21st June 2024
Time : 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Venue : Choice Accelerator

What is Pitch Perfect

Entrepreneurs have an incredible chance to receive investment, visibility, and mentorship from some of the brightest minds in business at our Pitch Perfect event. Additionally, it's an opportunity for viewers to get knowledge about the entrepreneurial process and to see some of the most cutting-edge new business concepts.

What is Pitch Perfect
additional purpose?

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, networking events can be enjoyable and rewarding. It's a wonderful chance to make new friends, discover new companies, and increase your knowledge. Attending Pitch Perfect event is also beneficial for attendees who are not actively looking for investment. They can pick up tips from thriving businesspeople, find inspiration, and develop relationships that will help them in the future.

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/choice-accelerator_pitchperfect-investment-earlystage-activity-7137373882495246337-VNwj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

Pitch Perfect Event:
This event is a great opportunity for startups to present their business ideas to a panel of seed investors. The panel will be made up of experienced investors who are looking for early-stage companies with high growth potential. This event is also a must go for entrepreneurs who want to learn pitching skills by observing other presentations and the feedbacks from the panelists.

Participants will benefit from the event:
- Opportunity to present your business idea to a panel of seed investors
- Receive feedback on your business idea and pitching skills from experienced investors
- Build relationships with potential investors
- Learn about other startup companies and their business models

Event : Pitch Perfect
Date : 1st December 2023
Time : 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm